Snapchat is a very popular social media app that can be used by those aged 13 and up. The company also recently added to their offerings with My AI. If you have teens who are on the app, you should know how to use My AI on Snapchat and how it can keep your kids safe.

Snapchat has been a favorite among the younger generation for its unique features that make it stand out from other social media platforms. From quirky filters to personalized Bitmojis, Snapchat has always been ahead of its time. And now, with the introduction of their new AI and safety enhancements, Snapchat has taken things to the next level.

Snapchat’s new AI feature is designed to keep users safe while they navigate the app. The AI monitors the content on the app, including images and videos, to ensure that it complies with the platform’s community guidelines. This means that inappropriate content will be removed, and users who repeatedly violate the guidelines will face consequences.

What Is My AI On Snapchat?

This AI is a chatbot that has been released to see how well it fares with those using Snapchat. The bot offers conversation and human-like interactions. However, it has been programmed to avoid continuing conversations that are sexual or inappropriate in nature. The bot will even go so far as to recommend mental health resources, if it notes certain issues coming up in the chat.

How to Use My AI on Snapchat

How exactly can you use Snapchat’s new AI? First, it’s important to note that the AI operates behind the scenes, so you won’t see it in action. However, you can help the AI do its job by reporting any content that you believe violates the community guidelines. This could include anything from nudity to hate speech.

To report content, simply tap and hold on the image or video that you want to report. A menu will appear, and you’ll see an option to report the content. Snapchat will review the report and take action if necessary.

In addition to the new AI feature, Snapchat has also introduced new safety enhancements. One of the most notable enhancements is the ability to share your location with trusted friends. This feature allows your friends to see your location in real-time, which can be especially helpful in emergency situations.

To use this feature, simply go to your profile and tap on the gear icon. From there, select “My Friends” and then “Custom.” You can then choose which friends you want to share your location with.

How Safe is My AI for Teens?

Another safety enhancement that Snapchat has introduced is the ability to create a safety number. This number is a unique code that you can give to friends and family members in case of an emergency. If you’re in trouble, your contacts can text your safety number, and Snapchat will notify them of your location and give them instructions on what to do next.

To create a safety number, go to your profile and tap on the gear icon. From there, select “Safety” and then “Create a Safety Number.” You can then choose a unique code and share it with your contacts.

Overall, Snapchat’s new AI and safety enhancements are a step in the right direction. By keeping users safe and promoting positive content, Snapchat is working to create a better social media experience for everyone. So, next time you’re scrolling through Snapchat, remember to report any inappropriate content and take advantage of the new safety features.

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